Examination Policy
Students absent from the examination for any reason are not re-examined in any case and those absent from an examination without grave reasons will be considered as having failed. No pupil will be permitted to appear for any examination unless all dues have been remitted. Absence from one or more subjects involves the loss of grades for those subjects. For sufficient reasons such as unsatisfactory progress in studies, insufficient attendance, serious misconduct etc., a pupil may be debarred from an examination. 80% attendance is compulsory to enable a student to sit for an examination. Students who use unfair means or gives assistance in any form during tests or examination or tampers with the evaluated answer sheets in any way or alters the marks in the report card or answer sheets, will be given zero in that subject along with RED Card. Repetition of the same will result in the dismissal of the student.
Promotion Policy
Promotion is decided on the marks obtained throughout the year combined with the marks of the Final Examination. Failure of class IX & XI or those who have been put in supplementary, will not be given another chance. The results of the examination are final and will not be reconsidered. Only pupils who have passed in all the subjects with 40% of marks will be finally have a right to be promoted to a higher standard. Promotions are decided with the teachers concerned and due consideration is given to each student. Hence the results are final and cannot be reconsidered.