CBSE Affiliation No.: 1730680, School Code: 11028
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Rules of Discipline

Rules and regulations makes a man well disciplined. So the school expects the students to imbibe discipline as a second nature.

  1. Every student should bring the school diary daily and on PTM too.
  2. On class days and school functions the children are expected to wear the uniform prescribed for the season.
  3. Blazers, Sweaters, Books, Tiffin boxes etc. should bear the name of the student. The school is not responsible for stationery, books etc. and the above mentioned things if get lost.
  4. The student should not wear ornaments or jewellery of any kind in the school.
  5. All those who come late to the school should get their diary signed by the Principal/In-charge/PTIs before their entry into the classes. Those who repeatedly reporting late in the school will be sent back home.
  6. No books, newspapers or periodicals, comics, CD, Pen drive, advertisements etc., other than the course books should be brought to school without prior permission of the Principal.
  7. All kinds of damage done to the school premises have to be compensated.
  8. The school will not be responsible if students are found missing after the school hours. Parents are requested to instruct their children not to go to the homes of friends and relatives without their permission.
  9. The students are strictly forbidden to purchase any article of food from unauthorized dealer near the school premises.
  10. No pupil will be called to answer or to make phone calls during school hours.
  11. Exchange of articles or money transaction between students is not allowed.
  12. All the students are expected to speak in English in the school.
  13. Personal cleanliness and hygiene are expected from all. To this effect students should possess at least two sets of uniform.
  14. All should be particularly careful not to throw paper etc. anywhere in the school premises. They should use the bins specially provided for this purpose. Keep School Compound Plastic Free.
  15. Parents/guardians may be allowed to meet the teachers to discuss the matters regarding the progress of their children: Questions and clarifications pertaining to academic performance and activities only on Saturdays immediately after school gets over with prior sanction from the Principal/In-charge and an appointment with the teacher be made beforehand.
  16. Parents are expected to co-operate with the staff in enforcing regularity and discipline by seeing that their children prepare their lessons and do their homework as shown in their diaries and by taking an active and helpful interest in the activities of the school.
  17. The ward's parents who avoid meeting the authorities, when advised to do so, may not be allowed to attend the classes.
  18. Parents must first consult the school calendar date sheets and other circulars before making enquiries on the phone.
  19. Parents and guardians will bear the responsibility for the good conduct, home studies and regular attendance of their wards. The Principal reserves the right to or not to retain such pupils who act to otherwise than conforming to the school ideals in and outside school. Insubordination, contempt of authority, harmful conduct, irregular attendance, leaving the school premises without permission, lack of punctuality, unsatisfactory progress in studies, dishonesty etc., are sufficient reasons for removing a student from the school rolls.
  20. Students from standard First to Fifth are allowed to celebrate their Birthdays in the school. The birthday boy/girl may come in casual wear and can distribute chocolates/sweets to the students of his/her class and teachers. No birthday favours are allowed.
  21. Without prior permission from the Principal no staff members are allowed to take tuition.
  22. While changing classes, when boys/girls move along the corridors, they must walk in silence.
  23. Running, playing or shouting inside the school building is not allowed.
  24. Students misbehaving in school bus will be struck off the bus list forth with.
  25. Presents, gifts to teachers or the demonstration in their honour require prior Mobile phone is strictly forbidden in the school. Any breach of this rule will invite a fine. of the Principal.
  26. Only legal driving license holders will be allowed to come to school on two wheelers. Cycles should be kept locked even if parking in the school premises.
  27. Firing crackers or splashing color during Diwali/Holi in the school premises is strictly forbidden. Non-compliance of these instructions can lead to expulsion from the school.
  28. Mobile phone is strictly forbidden in the school. Any breach of this rule will invite a fine.
  29. The Principal is fully authorized to penalize any student who is not punctual, who does not attend the National Functions (15 August, 26 January)does not come in school dress, does not come in time and does not carry out the work written in his/her diary.
  30. Breach of Discipline and Warning Card System Students will be issued 'Pink', 'Yellow' and 'Red' cards for serious or habitual breach of discipline. The card when issued has to be returned on the next day, signed by the parent, otherwise the students will not be admitted to class.

    PINK CARD: To be issued to the defaulter students for the following: • Repeated careless and irregular work. • Irregular attendance. • Coming to school without uniform. • Coming late to school. • Disturbing the class in the absence of the teacher. • Disturbing classroom teaching. • Loitering out of the class without purpose. • Missing class, assembly, library periods etc. • Throwing pieces of chalk, paper and such things. • Not bringing the school diary.

    YELLOW CARD: To be issued to the defaulter student concerned, in the presence of the co-ordinaters and the parents for the following:

    • Being disobedient. • Using abusive language. • Rude or insolent behavior with a teacher. • Bullying fellow students and juniors and causing physical injuries and hurts. • Using unfair means during any examination. • Damaging school property (and fine will also be imposed). • Bursting crackers in school campus. • Forging signatures of parents, teachers and Principal/In-charge. • Absent on 15th August and 26th January without a valid reason and prior permission. • 3 pink cards will be equivalent to one yellow card. • Yellow card will mean suspension from school for a week. • Any other similar offences.

    RED CARD: To be issued to the defaulter students concerned in the presence of the Principal and parents for the following:

    • Misbehaving with a teacher. • Negative influence. • 2 yellow cards will be equivalent to one red card. • Red cards will mean suspension from the school for two or three weeks and expulsion from school at the end of the academic year.


Developed & Maintained by: Ajay Lobo